INDUSTRY 1306PRO Drying Kilns

Rubner Holzindustrie

2022 folgte in zwei Etappen die Errichtung von zehn Frischluft-Abluft-Kammern des Typs 1306 Pro. Die dafür benötigte thermische Energie stammt von einem ebenfalls neu errichteten Biomasseheizkraftwerk, der Strom größtenteils von einer 2,4 MWp starken Photovoltaikanlage.

Deadlines were met and the values in terms of drying time, energy requirements and quality, were met or exceeded.

Rubner Holzindustrie

Rubner Holzindustrie
Rubner sound insulation
Rubner Holzindustrie

Another important topic was noise insulation. In addition to the sound-insulating elements installed by Mühlböck at all supply and exhaust air openings, this also includes a noise barrier at the entire rear of the drying kilns.


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